Bloody Maria

Our salsa twist on a cocktail classic - a non alcoholic version that is delicious, snappy and fun to serve to your family and friends.  Cheers!

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Bloody Maria (yield 48 oz. or 8 drinks)
16 ounce jar My Brother’s Original Salsa - HOT
32 ounces tomato Juice or Clamato
Worcestershire Sauce
celery salt for finish on edge of glass
Optional garnish:  Fresh Cilantro sprig, celery stalks, pickled okra, pickled green beans, olives, bacon slices, wedge of lime

Blend together My Brother’s Original Salsa, tomato juice/Clamato, 3 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce and pour into large pitcher. Chill.
To serve:  Rub edge of tall glasses with lime wedge and dip into celery salt.
Fill with Bloody Maria mixture over ice and garnish with your fave "garnish" choices from above.

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